An Advocate Is Needed When Dementia Causes Words to Fail
Even for individuals who are easygoing in their dementia, the inability to remember words can result in angry, frustrated outbursts. In...

Reviving Hobbies & Activities for Loved Ones with Dementia
QUESTION: My dad was diagnosed with dementia several years ago. Over time he has developed a much more difficult personality than he had...

Medication Hazards with Dementia and Memory Loss
Medication management can be a chore for any of us after a stay in the hospital. For seniors and individuals with dementia, it's a...

An Overwhelmed Caregiver's Tips for Success
QUESTION: I just moved here to help my aunt take care of my aging grandmother with dementia. My aunt doesn't think I'm cut out for it...

Getting Folks Back to Exercise
Our loved ones often resist exercise because they don’t understand that exercise is the means to retaining independence. Here’s how to...

What Happens When Caregivers Get Quarantined OUT of Facilities
The quarantine has forced everyone to rethink procedures. In this Cura Cares Minute, Moises shares the story of how barring caregivers...

Disaster Averted: Beware Unsynced Prescription Plans
In this Cura Cares Minute, Moises shares a story about how proactive advocacy averted disaster for a senior whose prescriptions...

3 Tips for Preventing Loneliness in Seniors with Chris Coelho
My 92-year-old grandfather lives alone. He’s always been healthy, but he got shingles last month and I’m beginning to see a decline...

What Quarantine Did to Mom with Dementia
This story is a beautiful example of how the parent/child relationship can be reinforced even in the midst of trying circumstances...